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INSA: Institute for Narcotics Studies and Analysis

International controls on narcotics began over a hundred years ago. The War on Drugs began soon after. It became worse after 1971 and several years later, United Nations gave a call for a "drug–free world". Unfortunately, all the efforts made so far have failed to produce the desired results.

At the same time jails are filled with individuals found to have violated stringent drug laws. Sadly, most of these individuals happen to be drug users and not major drug traffickers.

A group of people in India, well experienced in drug law enforcement and demand reduction, wondered why we have not succeeded in curbing supply and demand of illicit drugs. A think tank, later launched as the Institute for Narcotics Studies and Analysis (INSA), was thus born in 2009.

INSA is an attempt to understand everything to do with narcotics. It hopes to make a difference...

INSA takes up projects, advises, surveys, analyses and tries to find solutions for all kinds of headaches that narcotics cause.

INSA is registered under the Societies Registration Act as a 'Not for Profit Organisation' and is also registered under the Income Tax Act as a Charitable Institution.

Any donation to INSA is eligible to deduction under Section 80 G of the Income Tax.

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